VERY NICE TIN HESS FLYWHEEL OPERATED TOY BOAT ca. 1910 - This is a very nice antique, tinplate toy gunboat made by Hess in Germany - This toy boat is in good original condition except for the missing front wheel - Aside from the missing front wheel, all original parts appear to be present and the flywheel mechanism works properly - This toy features two brass canons which can swivel around. Both canons are present and intact - The boat is lithographed with more guns/ canons along the sides, and a wooden deck. The lithographs are in good original condition with some light tarnish and wear - The flywheel mechanism is present and works like a friction motor to drive the rear wheels - This toy boat measures about 10" long This is a very nicely detailed tinplate toy gunboat from the turn of the century. It is a replica of an early steam boat outfitted with guns and canons for war. This toy boat features a flywheel mechanism which uses friction power to keep the toy rolling for a short distance after an initial input of power (like a friction motor). The only flaw is that the boat is missing its front wheel. Feel free to ask me any questions about this antique toy boat.